Profile Article: Mike Reardon
In education, teachers often have different ideas about what it means to teach. What is the best way to impart vital knowledge to your students, to prepare them for the world beyond? Books, lectures, and discussions have produced different approaches, and various other ones are tried by teachers across the country. At East Linn Christian Academy, though, the consensus is that high school teacher Mike Reardon has got it figured out. With a degree in nuclear engineering, Mr. Reardon spent four years of his life as a nuclear engineer at the Hanford Site in Washington. Unsatisfied with this job, he took what may seem to some as an unexpected turn in his career. For four more years after his job at Hanford, he became a public school teacher, then switched to being a private school teacher, and has stuck with this job for 17 years. Nowadays he is often found in his classroom, either typing at his desk, or more often talking with students. The range of topics in his conversation vary grea...